Reserve Studies of Delmarva provides community associations with accurate, reliable information on their reserve funds. Our team is passionate about helping you plan for your future and we work hard to ensure that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions. Read more about our three levels of study below.

Level I Reserve Study
This is the most labor-intensive
Reserve Study. It includes both a
Physical and Financial Analysis. The
Component Inventory list and
current component Condition
Assessments with Life and Valuation
estimates are determined from a
visual on-site inspection. This
information is used to conduct the
Financial Analysis which includes
the current Fund Status and our
recommended Funding Plan.
Level II Reserve Study
This report updates both the
Physical Analysis and Financial
Analysis of an existing report. A site
inspection is conducted to verify
and/or make adjustments to the
existing Component List, Condition
Assessments, Useful Life and
component Valuation Estimates. The
Financial Analysis is also updated,
including the current Fund Status
and recommended Funding Plan. A
Level II report is recommended at
least every three years, before and
after major projects.
Level III Reserve Study
This report updates the Financial
Analysis only. A Level III report is
recommended to review, adjust and
verify that the existing funding plan
is accurate and suitable for current
economic conditions.